Thursday, August 25, 2005

two minutes

they say happiness is too momentary
if so, should we then stop hoping for it to come
for fear of feeling euphoria
should we then wallow in our eternal loneliness

Monday, July 04, 2005


Rain falls now without any reason.
A crash course on failing.
Why is success preferable anyway?

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

oh heck

you ask
what all this is for

you wonder
what is in me

you think
is there more to what you see

no, there is none
I could not care less for you

oh, you're words of persecution!
oh, pity myself
Oh I am so miserable
what a pity!
I am so lonely!

to the fires with you
can you not realize
the lowly existentialism I am in

Oh, come on!
you must have asked even once
why I take every misery that comes my way
why I have to take your presence!

desperation, my dear,
you are my last resort
I have tried everything
none worked

I am about to give up on you though,
your shallowness
your dimwittedness!
I am sorry for you!

I could only but sigh
what a pity your life is
caring only for how mine goes
what a pity

try living too

you'll see
you could be lonelier
not because of me

try living
and just SHUT UP!

Saturday, April 23, 2005

devoid of any poetic b*llsh*t

I made a mistake, because I could no longer control the fury slowly catching flame inside me. Maybe it was anger. Anger toward whom, it does not matter. Only the fact that things happened because of the presence of that somebody matters. I dare you to feel that pure unadulterated rush of emotions caused about by hopelessness and show me what you'd do. Tell me how you would handle comfort, any form of it, when you're faced by uncontrollable tears.

I am sorry for embracing comfort.

For trying to escape pain.

Because of that mistake I made, the cause of my despair, the one I ran away from to seek solace in somebody else, vanished . . .

causing greater despair, greater sorrow, and an unfathomable kind of

loneliness . . .


heck no

"Pretty Girl" by Sugarcult

pretty girl is suffering while he confesses everything.
pretty soon she'll figure out what his intentions were about.
and that's what you get for falling again;
you can never get him out of your head.
and that's what you get for falling again;
you can never get him out of your head.

it's the way that he makes you feel.
it's the way that he kisses you.
it's the way that he makes you fall in love.

she's beautiful as usual with bruises on her ego and
the killer instinct tells her to be aware of evil men.
and that's what you get for falling again;
you can never get him out of your head.
and that's what you get for falling again;
you can never get him out of your head.

it's the way that he makes you feel.
it's the way that he kisses you.
it's the way that he makes you fall in love. [2x]

pretty girl . . . pretty girl . . .

pretty girl is suffering while he confesses everything.
pretty soon she'll figure out: you can never get him out of your head.

it's the way that he makes you cry.
it's the way that he's in your mind.
it's the way that he makes you fall in love.
it's the way that he makes you feel.
it's the way that he kisses you.
it's the way that he makes you fall in love . . .

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

once more

another cycle has ended
let us get lost once again
only this time
in a darker path
a narrower bridge
a bloodier, muddier swamp
let us cross again another river
one that is dry
with sharp stones
thirsty for blood from an unscarred sole

let us once again seek
refuge in the night
against the enlightenment of the sun

again and again let us rebel
let us jump and run and fly
and do things unthinkable
until we become too exhausted
until it is again time to sleep

let us feed
until our eyes could no longer open

until then let us stay awake
and stop dreaming

hide the ugly pictures
with uglier images

hide, hide, and be bound
by the freedom
to choose to keep hidden

Monday, March 21, 2005

deeper now

what is wrong with passion?
what is wrong with desire?
how could they have been allowed to exist
when they burn everything in their way
commitment is but hypocrisy
but it gives an assurance
it offers a crystal clear view of
a supposedly vague future
but why live in the future,
when we still breathe in the present
there is destiny
the stars align themselves for one single
moment of perfection
if you missed that moment, the stars would
realign themselves for another perfect moment
another perfect moment, but for another group of people

my perfect story just ended
just that one tinge of imperfection!
everything disappeared
a love affair so passionate, so real,
it burned so fiery until none
but ashes were left
commitment is hypocrisy
a sad, sad, but real hypocrisy!

relationships, commitments, all but results of
a convention of the majority
thus, passion and desire were forgotten
because they are dangerous, disastrous, destructive
but aren't we all actually on each own's path
to higher disorder?
why prolong the inevitable reality
why delay the certain end

god! i really miss you . . .

Tuesday, February 15, 2005


in an effort to make time pass as quickly as possible
i drown myself in the sweet, surreal, oblivion
an attempt to betray life
to hide from the freedom it so forcefully offers
i sleep
i close my eyes for what seemed as eternity
hoping that somehow
everything will just cease to exist
to vanish into the unfathomable wonders of nonexistence
i use words, wonderful words
to fool those who read that somehow a meaning is present
when none is actually there
from nothing, we all have emerged
is it possible then . . .
that after all these, knowing that to nothing we all will return
we are then, all of us, just nothing . . .